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Terex Pegson Mail to: sales@hanvikspares.com for any part not listed

Hanvik Wear&Spare produces a comprehensive range of aftermarket spare parts to suit the Terex Pegson range of jaw crushers, cone crushers and impact crushers.

Premierplant - 900x600 | 1100x650 | 1100x800
Premiertrak - 1100x650 | 1100x650HA | 1100x650HR | 1100x800 | XA400 | XR400 | XA400S
Metrotrak - 900×600
Maxtrack - 1000 | 1000SR |1300
Autocone - 900 |1000 |1300 |1500
Automax/Autosand - 1000 |1300 |1500
Trakpactor - 4284 |242SR |1412 |XH250 |XH320 |XH320SR |XH500 |XH500SR |VX350
Hanvik Wear&Spare stocks a range of premium wear parts in material of Mn14% to Mn21% with or without chromium2% and high chrome iron alloy.
All the wear and spare parts are proven in mining and aggregated application. Hanvik Wear&Spare warrants the  quality of the parts with no difference from OEM standards and offers the great cost savings for customers.